The mission of the Christian Clearing House (CCH) is to provide emergency assistance for our neighbors facing financial, emotional, or spiritual needs in Hancock County.

CCH is a non-profit organization that exists as an association of churches. Collaborating with local agencies, and individuals to promote effective use of community resources. Along with areas churches, of which there are more than 50 member church congregations, CCH is governed by a Board of Directors working in conjunction with a small, paid staff and a large number of volunteers. Finances are also raised through donations, fund-raising efforts, and/or grants.

By combining the resources of these member church congregations, CCH is able to assist citizens in Hancock County that are homeless, unemployed, disabled, working at minimum paying jobs or are experiencing an unusual financial crisis. CCH has the ability to give small assistance at times with food, rent, utilities, medical prescriptions, gasoline and many other miscellaneous needs.

Founded in 1994, CCH began when 13 local churches came together to address a common concern among Christians –to help the needy.  Today, CCH truly acts as a clearing house, giving vouchers and pledges as well as cooperating with local social agencies on referrals.

What We Do:

CCH helps when people have nowhere to turn.  Those using services at CCH are struggling with generational poverty, abuse, loss of a job, living on limited income, etc.  Approximately 25% of those seeking assistance have never used the services at CCH, the needs are many.

As a non-governmental agency, CCH can support people who do not qualify for government assistance. Along with our short-term help, we work with our clients to curb the abuse of the “system” and identify opportunities and programs to help them become self-sustaining.

CCH staff and volunteers offer long-term solutions for living on fixed incomes to help alleviate the financial burden they encounter.  These solutions are typically referrals and necessary forms for other community programs.  If another community program can better assist the referral is made.

“CCH offers hand-ups, not hand-outs.”

We Believe That

  • Everyone has the right to satisfy basic human needs.
  • The services provided at CCH make a difference.
  • Everyone should be treated in a kind and considerate manner.
  • Everyone deserves respect and dignity.
  • The board, staff and volunteers work together to be part of the solution.
  • Churches fulfill their mission to aid the needy through CCH.


Persons in emergency need should contact the CCH office by visit or call us at 419-422-2222. Staff will then determine the extent of the emergency and decide upon the course of action. If other resources will better serve the client, applicants will be directed to these resources and/or social agencies.

CCH will help to identify and clarify other problem areas expressed by the applicant during an interview and recommend appropriate services. After the evaluation and verification process, CCH may provide a voucher or pledge to satisfy the applicant’s need, if no other resources are available.


Volunteers and churches are an integral part of CCH. Volunteers help the CCH staff on a daily basis. Regular training sessions are conducted to acquaint those interested in the work of CCH.

Financial contributions from the community are always in need! Client needs continue to increase and our budget continues to grow.